Week Zero

Shortly before I turned 50 I gave cards to many of my friends and family with a simple idea:  Give me something interesting to do!  The instructions along with the card asked that they write down a reasonably inexpensive idea or two for me to do that I could accomplish within one week.  Then, once a week, every week for my 50th year I would choose a random card, do the activity described within, and report back to them about my experience.

Reactions to this idea ranged from “what a neat idea,” to “MUAHAHAHAHA!”  so I’m pretty sure I’m in for an interesting year!  I don’t have all the cards back (yet), but I have enough to get started and keep going for the next two months.  I even have a few yet to pass out to people.

So here’s how it’s going to work:  I’ll choose a card on Sunday of each week, open it and see what there is to do.  Over the course of the week I will either do it or research how or where to do it.  On Saturday I will write up my experience on this blog as well as a card back to who suggested it.  Then Sunday a new card and a new activity for the week!


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